Saturday, May 22, 2010

few random thoughts rolling around in my head

Too many girls in one space=drama...

I hate deception... If you don't like something/one, then you shouldn't pretend you do.

I am art. It fulfils me like nothing else does. ^.^ I hate it sometimes, but I keep coming back. And when I'm around other artists, there is NOTHING more energizing for me. It keeps me going.

Cancer=bad... 'nuff said.

The grass is, in fact, greener on the other side. But they worked hard to MAKE it that way.

There are different types of weird. I'm weird. I like being so. And in my high school (at least it seemed this way to me) there were the awesome weirdos that I hung out with, and other random groups that were trying to be cool. So, I hung out with the weirdos, and then there was everyone else. At least that's how I saw it.
I've come to realize there are different types of weird. And that frankly, I don't get along with them all. I always thought the "weird" brand formed a sort of bond between those branded with it. I had very diverse friends, but we were all weird (like the Glee cast, if you know that show. Ok show, awesome music). But I don't think that's the case. I know people now who claim the "weird" label... But it's the wrong weird... I don't get along with them well. I don't hate them, they're cool people. But they're not the type of weird were I can let go and really be myself.
I need freaks like me.

Sometimes I think I think too much... That I'm too practical to be fun...

Make sure you ALWAYS invite people. It's really hard hearing the party from the outside. Even if you think they won't want to come, knowing that someone thought of you enough to invite you can make someone's day.

If I don't talk to myself, I get lonely. Really.

Laughter makes it all worth it.

So does chocolate.

And finally, yes... I do believe coconuts migrate!

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