Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pumpkin win

For those of you who think carving a pumkin is just too normal.
(no, not mine... but someone I know)

Happy Halloween!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It pays to do your research

So, when Coca Cola first went to China, the company had to come up with the right name to put on the bottle. It was a fairly well known product all over the world, sure, but how to write in Chinese? They finally decided to just use kanji that was pronounced the same way, and just found kanji characters that phonetically matched.

It wasn't until much later, after the product was produced, that some genius sat down and looked up each individual kanji to see what it actually meant. The translation? "Don't bite wax tadpole."

LOL. It pays to do your research.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Boyce Avenue - On My Way (Official Song & Lyrics) on iTunes & Amazon

Honor sent me this song...

I am officially in love wit it...

(I apparently have no thoughts... but I do spend time on youtube...)

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Happy 10-10-10! Yeay Tenn!

So I work as a cashier currently... And I forget what the guy ordered... but the total (with tax) came out to $23.19!! XD

That made me laugh. Which was good, 'cause I needed it.

And thankfully the guy had kids, so he knew the reference and why I was laughing and saying "23-19!! 23-19!!"

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Doctor Who Tribute • His Name is 'The Doctor' HD

Dr. Who=Brilliant!!

I have SO much to say about this clip, I have no idea where to start...
In short, I ADORE Dr. Who. Everything about it, it captures my imagination and runs with it. ^.^ And I think this clip does a good job of showing why.

I have other things to say, but I'll just let you watch this and draw your own conclusion.