Saturday, November 22, 2008


You can do potatoes in a rice cooker.

^.^ Really, I tried.

Now... I didn't realize that I was using a rice cooker at the time... But it worked. ^.^;

It was my turn to make dinner, and I'd just gotten called in to work. Well, it was morning and I wasn't going to get home until after dinner time... So I figured, "Hey, I've been meaning to use the crock pot! I'll do that!!" ^.^
So I threw some cut potatoes, carrots, union, some spices, water and bullion cubes into what I thought was a crock pot and merrily went on my way. ^.^;

Came home to realize that I'd put them in a rice cooker... -_-;
But they did turn out really well. ^.^ My mom had to turn it off for a while 'cause they were going to be done too soon, but when they were done, they came out really good.

So! If you're ever in a jam, just remember: You can cook potatoes in a rice cooker!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I am thankful for a boring life

Really. I am.

I mean, I haven't died, no I know closely had died... Heck, I don't even think anyone is deathly ill!! There's no one in the hospital. No one is in danger of loosing a job ( But that's not my fault and I don't have bills yet, so that doesn't really count). No one's house has been robbed. No one's been hurt. ^.^ Yeay!

All of these horrible things, and none of them happening to me. ^.^; I'm not out there curing world hunger, but I don't have to worry about hunger myself. I'm not curing cancer, but I don't have cancer.

Ok... Yeah... That sounds kinda selfish... I'm sad that those things do happen... But I'm dang grateful they're not happening to me or anyone I know. Yeah, my life is somewhat boring and predictable. I mean, one of the most interesting things that's happened to me lately was that I got a hair cut and got bangs for the first time since I was about 7. (I like them when they're not dirty, flat and look like a bad comb-over... But I'm still getting used to them, so I give it time.)

So I say again, I am thankful for my boring life. ^.^

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

For Veteran's Day

Yesterday I went and heard a Vet talk about his time in WWII... Scary stuff...
And I just kept thinking about 911. So I figured I'd post this.
Good song.
Scary stuff, good song.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


My dad said something interesting today... I thought I'd share.
"We don't want to be too comfortable here. We don't want to feel like this is home. We want to feel just uncomfortable enough to not feel out of place, but know that we should move on."

Then my mom said, "It should be like a hotel, not like a permanent residence."

It's out of context, but oh well...
So, anyway, I was thinking that that's how Heavenly Father wants us to be here. That's one of the reasons he gives us trials. We can't be too comfortable here, because this is not our home. We need to progress, we need to "move on" and not be content with where we are in life.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

YES on Prop 8!

I probably should've posted this earlier, ya'll probably have heard about it already... But this is my blog!
Plus this helps me kinda catalog my life, and I'd like to be able to look back and see what I was thinking...

Well, Prop 8...

The entire text of Proposition 8 is as follows:"Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California."

It's been turned into this giant tolerance/acceptance issue, "You have to accept my choice, or else you're a bad person!"
Ok, first of all, no. I can accept you, without accepting or even being ok with your choices. I have friends who drink and swear, that doesn't mean I agree with the choice.

Also, I believe it's a wrong choice. You can disagree, that's your choice, but I believe it's wrong. Now, I don't think it makes you a bad person. I have a few friends who are gay. But again, just because I like the person, that doesn't mean I agree with their choice.
So if I believe that being gay is a bad thing, why should I "accept" it and say, "Oh yeah, sure, call it marriage!"... It doesn't make sense. That denies my religion and my beliefs.

Thirdly, they teach about marriage in schools. If this doesn't pass, they will teach that attraction between people of the same gender is ok.
I'm all for choice. Choices are a good thing. But when you're telling little children that that's ok, before they can really make a choice about the matter... That's wrong! That denies my religion...
So I'm supposed to "accept" your choice, be ok with something that I think is wrong, and allow any future children I have to learn something that I think is wrong and deny my religion??
... *breath*

And this came out a little more ranty then I was meaning... I don't mean to offend anyone. I think it is a bad thing. That does not mean that the people are bad.