Thursday, October 6, 2011

Why am I in a hand basket?

So... Apparently California has recently passed a law called SB48. This new law requires all schools in California to teach children as young as five to accept and endorse transgender, bisexual, and homosexual identity and behavior...
Where are we going, and why am I in a hand basket??
No, it's not that I have anything against people who chose this type of behavior. But it goes against my religion, and so this law is taking away my right to my religion.

Yes... I do think respect is good.
But respect is "a feeling of deep admiration". And I don't admire the part of them that makes that choice. I don't want to show them disrespect or be rude because of a choice I don't approve of. People are a mesh of ALL that they do. So I can admire them as a person, but I will not admire that choice.
I think each person should make their own choice on where they stand, on anything. And I don't think the typical person is ready to make a decision that big until high school, or at least until they're out of grade school. Until then I want to be the person teaching my child what's right and wrong. I don't think it's the state's place.

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