Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Learning something takes a while, ya know? ^.^; And it comes in odd leaps, bounds and crawls... I'd forgotten that until just recently.

Thinking about work (because it is staging a hostile take-over of my life. O.o), and how slow I am... -_-; It's really, really annoying how slow I seem to be.

I commented to one of my co-workers the other day how slow I feel, and she said she started out the same way. ^.^ Actually, two of my co-workers, 'cause I asked someone else last week-ish about it too. And both of them said that they were slow as snails when they started. And one of them especially is a really hard worker. Which made me feel like I'm not a failure, which is always nice. ^.^;

But I'd forgotten how long it takes to learn something... In school you learn things. But usually, it's not totally out of left field. You have some basis of knowledge from which to base the new stuff on. Learning from scratch takes a bit longer... ^.^;;;

And ya know... Now I understand when people said they had different managers telling them different things... O.o; I can appreciate that now... ^.^;

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