Thursday, September 10, 2009

Id- Inevitable?

I got into Id, not into B. I mentioned that in my last post.

And I just thought it was interesting the reactions I got from some of my friends. They were all happy for me, 'cause Id is a good school. But one in particular... She said something like "Oh, well maybe you weren't meant to get into B. So Id is for the best!"

Now, I realize she was trying to console me, 'cause I really really wanted to get into B. But I thought it was interesting, first of all that everyone assumed that I was going to Id, but that she implied that since I didn't get into B the first time, it wasn't for me.

I'm not sure, in fact I know that isn't necessarily the case. Just because you fail something the first time, does it mean you give up?? Gosh, I hope your answer is no. I failed my driving test the first time, does that mean I'm not meant to drive? My first date didn't ask me to marry him, does that mean I'll ever get married?

Now I do trust that everything happens for a reason, and I'm pretty sure that's what my friend really meant. I trust God and know he has some things planned for me. Maybe I'm not meant to be at B right now. Maybe there's something I'm supposed to do/learn at Id. I don't know. I probably won't know 'till I'm watching my life over from the other side and go "Ohohoh!!! Ok. Now it makes sense!"

But I don't think just because you fail at something once, that it's not meant for you.

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