Monday, October 19, 2009

Yeay for new banner!

I've been meaning to change that... -_- But I could never do something I liked...

It's not what I origionally thought it was going to be, but Fei-chan likey. ^.^

And in case you do care, I do have all of my artwork at Then you just hit the "Gallery" tab. Just last week I actually put up my "steam punk" gal that I'm ubber happy with. :D Go me!

Um... yeah. Let's see... what's happening with me?...

Well, I'm going to Cirque this Friday with St. Genesious. ^.^ *excited squee* So I'm SO excited about that. That'll probably spawn some fan art. *malisious grin* (this site needs emotes... that would make me happy...)
There was a small cirque-ish thing that came to town a few years ago. That was cool, but the stage wasn't made for it, so it didn't have the same impact... It's not the same when there's a person swinging from a rope and they're only 5 feet from the groud, as opposed to 50 like it's supposed to be. ^.^ So that'll be awesome. Plus we should have pretty good seats. Bwahahahahahaaaaaa.

Um... lol. Well, I was leg wrestling with Lola the other day and tweaked my neck, that was fun. ^.~ She was flipping me over (because of my awesome lack of strenth... go me) and while my body was going, my head insisted on staying in the same spot. O.o Thus stretching my neck... I heard it pop all the way up... Not a fun experience. I don't recomend it... But I feel much better now. ^.^

And... Yeah. I'm exited/stressed about going to Id... I'm excited when I don't think about it too much. ^.^;;;;; So yeah.

Cognito ergo spud!

I think... therefore I yam. ^.^

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