Wednesday, August 3, 2011

bias much?

So, I was reading an article, Mental illness and leadership.

It talks about how when things are normal, you need normal people running the country. But when things are odd, you need people who are odd, because they will think of new creative solutions. I can agree with that. But this sentence just made me stop.

"'Normal' nondepressed persons have what psychologists call "positive illusion"—that is, they possess a mildly high self-regard, a slightly inflated sense of how much they control the world around them.

Mildly depressed people, by contrast, tend to see the world more clearly, more as it is."

So... the world is really more horrible then we'd all like to believe?? I disagree, but even if that statement is true... bias much?
And also... Mildly depressed... Depressed.
depressed |diˈprest|
(of a person) in a state of general unhappiness or despondency.

So if we were all unhappy, the world would be a happier place??
Sure... whatever you say...

(On a side note, I bought Portal And it's fun. :3)

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