Sunday, November 2, 2008

YES on Prop 8!

I probably should've posted this earlier, ya'll probably have heard about it already... But this is my blog!
Plus this helps me kinda catalog my life, and I'd like to be able to look back and see what I was thinking...

Well, Prop 8...

The entire text of Proposition 8 is as follows:"Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California."

It's been turned into this giant tolerance/acceptance issue, "You have to accept my choice, or else you're a bad person!"
Ok, first of all, no. I can accept you, without accepting or even being ok with your choices. I have friends who drink and swear, that doesn't mean I agree with the choice.

Also, I believe it's a wrong choice. You can disagree, that's your choice, but I believe it's wrong. Now, I don't think it makes you a bad person. I have a few friends who are gay. But again, just because I like the person, that doesn't mean I agree with their choice.
So if I believe that being gay is a bad thing, why should I "accept" it and say, "Oh yeah, sure, call it marriage!"... It doesn't make sense. That denies my religion and my beliefs.

Thirdly, they teach about marriage in schools. If this doesn't pass, they will teach that attraction between people of the same gender is ok.
I'm all for choice. Choices are a good thing. But when you're telling little children that that's ok, before they can really make a choice about the matter... That's wrong! That denies my religion...
So I'm supposed to "accept" your choice, be ok with something that I think is wrong, and allow any future children I have to learn something that I think is wrong and deny my religion??
... *breath*

And this came out a little more ranty then I was meaning... I don't mean to offend anyone. I think it is a bad thing. That does not mean that the people are bad.


Lola said...

Dork!!!!!!!!!!!! took you long enough to say something :)

Jenny said...

;P Yeah well... You havn't posted in like, months! So, you have no say. ;p