Saturday, November 15, 2008

I am thankful for a boring life

Really. I am.

I mean, I haven't died, no I know closely had died... Heck, I don't even think anyone is deathly ill!! There's no one in the hospital. No one is in danger of loosing a job ( But that's not my fault and I don't have bills yet, so that doesn't really count). No one's house has been robbed. No one's been hurt. ^.^ Yeay!

All of these horrible things, and none of them happening to me. ^.^; I'm not out there curing world hunger, but I don't have to worry about hunger myself. I'm not curing cancer, but I don't have cancer.

Ok... Yeah... That sounds kinda selfish... I'm sad that those things do happen... But I'm dang grateful they're not happening to me or anyone I know. Yeah, my life is somewhat boring and predictable. I mean, one of the most interesting things that's happened to me lately was that I got a hair cut and got bangs for the first time since I was about 7. (I like them when they're not dirty, flat and look like a bad comb-over... But I'm still getting used to them, so I give it time.)

So I say again, I am thankful for my boring life. ^.^

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