Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Oddly worded 2

People seemed to like it, plus I have some new stuff that I noticed. ^.^

This one was on Yahoo news... It was actually a story how a man found his sister... but I thought it was funny. ^.^

And this one... Now, I took this picture. It is of a hospital/pediatrician type place... I didn't edit it or anything, this is really what the sign says...

And in case you can't read it:

Urgent Care
Saturday only
9:00 to 12:00

They were closed when I passed by...

Odd anyone?


Lightwing said...

What a coincidence, I just got one of these.

I just found this neat place and ordered one of their cuffs so I can have something that I can wear safely to work and won't die if the birds suddenly decide to chew on it.

It gave me this message:

This transaction will appear on your bill as "PAYPAL *VAGABONDJEW".


Schmetterling said...

Did you ever notice the signs on that little frontage road along 202--the one that goes in front of Dr. Young's place and Safe 1 and such like? They have stop signs and "no stopping at any time" signs--ON THE SAME POLES!

Was never sure what to do there. California rolling stop, maybe?

Jenny said...

Lightwing: Ooooh, shiney. *drools in admiration* vagabondjew huh? lol. Yeah, that is kinda funny. ^.^

Schmetterling: Really? huh, never noticed that. Lol, yeah a rolling stop must be what they want. ^.^
Stop! Go! Stop!... St-GO! Sounds like a Dr. Seuss book. >.<