Friday, June 6, 2008

Oddly worded...

It's always funny when you read something or hear something that's supposed to be professional, and it doesn't quite make sense... Like these for instance:
(Yeah, I realize I'm echoing Schmetter's post about Jetblue... I didn't realize that until after I'd started writing. So there. ;p )

I heard this one on a commercial a few years ago on TV for a service that reconnected your phone lines if you'd been disconnected.
"If you've been disconnected, call us at..."

This one was a few years ago, but sooner then the one above. I forget when, but there were power outages around town. I was watching the news and they were reporting the power outages, and asking people to report if they had lost power in their area...
The people...
On TV,
were asking if you had lost power.
Does your TV work without power??

And this one I saw today as I was filling out an on-line job application.
Can you operate a computer?
Now, let me say that again just in case...
And on-line application is asking if I can operate a computer...?

^.^ Don't you love laughing at professional mistakes?
I know I do.

(Don't know if I'm using it right... but I think so... *shrug*)


Katie said...

Not quite schadenfreude. Schadenfreude is the idea of delighting in someone else's misfortune or pain.

Something I didn't think I did, until I realized that I was chuckling the other day when I saw a very frustrated man run to catch his Trax train and then miss it.

So yeah, delight in misfortune or pain. But the mistakes are hilARious . . .

Jenny said...

Hm... Ok. Yeah, I was thinking it was schadenfreude in the sence that I was laughing at the people. But yeah, you're right, not really laughing at their pain...
Oh, well. ^.^ Still a fun word to throw in there.
Very fun.

^.^ Glad you liked the jokes/humor! They were just too funny to keep to myself.

Jenny said...

Oh, and I cam across another one today. Well... actually my mom did, but anyway it was on a bag of Jelly Flopps. (and I always mess up my posts somehow when I go back to edit them, so that's why I'm just adding a comment)
Jelly Flopps are Jelly Bellys that got messed up in some way. The bag says "irregular Jelly Beans."

Now my mom noticed something funny on the bag...

"These special beans taste great, but don't quite meet all of our demanding standards for size, color, shape and flavor."

Um... They taste great, but don't meet your standards for flavor?

These jelly beans taste great!... but not that great. ;)