Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I had an interesting conversation with one of my neighbors last week when I crashed at their house for an hour when I locked myself out of the house...

We got talking about what I want to do with my life, and what my passions are, what I'm passionate about. I said something like "I don't know if I'm passionate about anything but breathing. But I enjoy art, so I think art." Now she went into this whole thing of "You know when you're passionate! You're not 'cause you don't draw as much as *insert name here*!" yadda-yadda... And not to disregard what she said, but I don't really remember, and it got on my nerves and I don't feel like ranting... so...

That got me thinking. What does it mean to be passionate about something??

After I put a band-aid on my wounded ego, and talked to my mom a bit, I decided that I don't know if I am truly passionate about drawing. I like it, but I don't start twitching if I miss a day. I do love art. I love looking at it, and I love stories. Everything I love has some sort of story behind it. Characters, story lines, I love it all. But I still don't know if I'm passionate about it...?

Thoughts appreciated... I'll give you a cookie or something...


Lola said...

I was just listening to "Bad Day", and when I read your title passion the song said "Where is the passion when you need it the most" I thought it was funny! (whipes eyes)I think there are different level of passion,I would say if you can't live without it your passionate about (beside the nesserary things that you need to live). I'm passionate about music, but I don't practist everysingle day and think about it every minet of the day. (even though I probly should) I would say most passions start out as hobbies, when you know it's more then a hobbie it becomes a passion. I don't really know, but this sounds like it has possibilities...

Katie said...

Rumor has it that I tend to get passionate about certain things . . . rumor has it ;) That said, in regard to what you want to do with yourself, I consider that type of passion an unmistakable excitability every time you talk abbout it (it being whatever you're passionate about).

Eyes lighting up, enthusiasm seeping out of every pore--in short, something you get terribly excited about. (In good ways and bad, I suppose--you light up and get all glowy when being positive, and you become a firecracker when anybody dares dis it . . .)

Jenny said...

L-Something you can't live without? Hm... Yeah, I don't know that I love anything that much...
But you think you're passionate about music without doing it every day?? Ok... Yeah, I don't think I think about anything every day.

C-An excitement?... Hm... Well, I've been excited about TV shows, books... One of my art projects. It was a clay dragon that I made. I worked on that 'till about 2 or 3 in the morning. >.O But I loved it. ^.^

Hm... Well I still don't know if I'm passionate about any sort of job/career... But I do love art... *shrug* We will see. ^.^;