Monday, December 29, 2008

Traditiooooon! .... tradition!

I meant to post this like last week... ^.^; But I was busy with work and such...

Anywhoodle, I thought it would be interesting to talk about traditions, holiday and other.

As far as Christmas goes for our family, we usually put up a tree and decorate it with far too many ornaments. Christmas day we don't really go anywhere, we just have it at home. Have breakfast and open presents. I'm usually the one who gives them out. I sit near the tree and hand presents out as each person opens theirs. I don't give the next one out till we've all had a chance to ooh and aah at whatever the last person got. (Oh, and we don't open anything early. We have to wait till Christmas day... Although if I get something from a friend or family that isn't there I don't have to wait for the whole family to get there. ^.^)

The only really unique thing we do is we have clues with our gifts. I forget how it got started... I think it's a tradition in some other culture or something... But we have clues on our gifts. The tag will say who the gift is to, who it's from and a clue of some sort. The opener doesnt' have to guess right, but they do have to guess something before they can open it. ^.^ I think it makes it more interesting that way. ^.^
For example my dad got my mom something this year and the clue was:

It was a toaster. ^.^

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