Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Square Candies That Look Round

Title taken from my favorite chapter in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and the scene that didn't make it into either movie... gr... (look it up, it's really cute. ^.^)
And inspired by how work has been "up-ways and down-ways and side-ways and slant-ways and every other ways you can think of" lately... >.<

Up-ways 'cause Hey! I has a job! I like it. I like the people. And I has monies for Christmas!! ^.^

Down-ways 'cause... heh... The bare walls... We are going out of business after all... And the customers. >.O; We have bargain shoppers who say that 60% is still not enough of a discount (which ok... we are going out of business and yes, everything must go... but still! That's over half off!!1 *screams into pillow*). And I feel very comfortable here. I really like the people. I attach myself to my friends and they become my family. So I feel like in losing my job I'm losing family... (Am I the only one who's sad about stuff like that? It's like that at the end of the semester too... Maybe it's 'cause I have such a small family...)

Side-ways 'cause of Christmas... Dag-nabbit I feel like it's just another day off... Just another poor excuse for picking a man's pocket every 25th of December... >.<>.< I like Christmas dag-nabbit!! I wanna be able to enjoy it!! I've had no time to. I spend more waking hours at work then home. I've been too busy with work.

Slant-ways 'cause after Saturday I won't have a job. So great! I have time now! I can relax! I can enjoy Christmas!!... except the minor point that Saturday comes after Thursday... So I have all this time to slow down and enjoy... ... *nervous cricket chirp* ...?
And dag-nabbit I get stir crazy with nothing to do! >.< I only enjoy down time when I'm "downing" from something. When it's just down with no sign of an up, or no up that I'm avoiding... It's not a good thing!!

*sigh*... So yeah... Up ways and down ways, etc... -_-;

Merry Christmas ya'll. ^.^; I really am happy about my life!... Really!

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