Monday, December 1, 2008

Be yourself

My mom commented that she read my blog, and that reminded me that I haven't posted lately...
Well, I've had some thoughts running around in my mind.
I've been listening to Jason Mraz lately and one song, and one line inparticular always catches my attention.

"When you play the fool, you're only fooling everyone else..." (about 1:15)
And then it goes on about loving yourself.

I think that's an interesting line... When you play the fool, you'll fool everyone but yourself. So then you're stuck in this false persona. Everyone thinks you're one thing because that's the part you've played. But you know diferent. That's bad... It's like killing yourself in a way... You smother yourself.

Also this line... I found this pic on DA. ^.^ I've always liked it. The origional doesn't have the words, but they said that they were inspired by them, so I put them in.


Katie said...

I respectfully disagree. I think it's entirely possible and too easy to fool yourself in the process of fooling others, and I know that's why I often end up feeling lost and displaced--because I'm being something I'm not.

Just sayin'.

Lightwing said...

Nice picture mod! It's shiny. I like the song too.

If you were able to fool yourself just as easily as you fool others, wouldn't you just become what you were pretending to be? I mean, if you were pretending to be stupid to make a certain type of friends and you didn't feel out of place then that's pretty worrisome. Feeling lost and confused when you're acting strange is probably some little part of you going, "Hey! That's not right at all!"

Jenny said...

Confuzzled- Huh... Point. But can you fool others without fooling yourself?

LW- ^.^ *huggles* why thankyou. Yeah, me too! ^.~
... Ok... It seems to me like you missed what I was meaning.
You can "play the fool" and not be yourself, fool everyone else into thinking you're like that. Then you're unhappy 'cause you know you're not like that, but now you're stuck. So you've really only fooled yourself.
But yeah, you definately have a point there. >.O If you could fool yourself so easily, that's just scary... You wouldn't have any identitiy. You'd be so fluid you wouldn't have any sence of self. >.< Yikes...

Jenny said...

C- huh... fool yourself in the process of fooling others... Interesting...
Sorry, re-reading and talking to myself.

Lola said...

An iteresting tought... I agree and don't at the same time... it is easier to fool other poeple then it is to fool yourself, but you gotta be careful so you don't get yourself caugh p in the mix. I've been taking private music lessons my instructor gets a little frustrated with me at times and has told me she doesn't know how I got it in my head that I can't play in front of people. She says I need to covince myself otherwise... I know I can play in front of poeple, I just get so nervous I start thinking how badly I'm gonna mess up and then I do. If you have yourself convinced you are one way even though you aren't really, its hard to get away from that idea and overcome it. whoops kinda got side track... did I make any sense? I know what I wanted to say, I don't know if I did...

Jenny said...

Lol. Yes Lola, you made a lot of sence. ^.^

Heh... actually reminds me of something from yestday. I was closing and one of the managers asked me to do the closing anoucement. O.o; Now... I've done drama. I <3 drama... But doing that scared me... >.< I like having instructions when I'm doing something like that. In a play you have a script. I like scripts. I like direction.
And anyway, the manager said "well you have to grow" I don't wanna grow!! I like being short!

So yeah, it's like you with performing. I know I can... I've just put up this picture of "I can't/don't wanna"

Heh... Reminds me of Rigaletto: The curse "There is no curse or evil spell that's worse then one we give ourselves"

Lola said...


Lola said...
