Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Coraline movie

Well, it was certainly creepier then the book. >.O

And there's an interesting distinction there; the movie was creepy, not scary. Don't know how it quite got into that middle ground, but it's rooted there very well. And MAN they did a good job on the "other-mother"... *shudder* I actually had a small nightmare from her. Nothing major, but enough to freak me out.
Lol and I liked Wybie. ^.^ He was cute. Wasn't in the book, but he was a good addition...

Oh, and beautifully rendered... O.o; Man... I can't believe all the work that must've gone into that... Wow... If you poke around the website you actually find out that the gloves that Coraline gets are hand-made... Yikes...

Anywho, without spoiling the movie, any more then the trailers do, it was good. Not spectacular, but good. And creepie... I didn't think it was that much as I was seeing it... but I'm having creepy flash-backs. ...

OH! And there was a trailer for 9. That looks really good. Can't wait 'till that one comes out...


Anonymous said...

The other mother in the movie was NOT creepier than the book version. Are you blind?

Jenny said...

Yes, apparently I am. I thought she was creepier in the movie 'cause you could see her.