Saturday, July 5, 2008


I got a letter from BN today...

*sigh* I love rejection letters... Don't you?...


StGenesius said...

*glomp* I promise you'll survive! It won't be easy...but you will persevere!

Jenny said...

*is glomped* ^.^ Domo! I sure hope I will. Gambette to you too!

Lightwing said...

Awww. That sucks, sorry to hear that. At least the rejection letters are some of the most politely worded pieces of correspondence I've ever read. It's probably to discourage the rabid stalkers.

Have you tried a Borders or Waldenbooks? Heck, try the tiny ones in the malls even.Break a leg at the rest of your job searching!

Jenny said...

Heh, you have a point there lightwing. Yeah, polite it was. Short, but polite.

I tried Borders, it's probably time to do it again... Haven't done Waldens. Huh... Bad Fei-chan. Not supposed to foget a bookstore...

Thanks! ^.^

Lightwing said...

Don't forget the independents too! Open up a phone book and plaster the town with resumes. Sure, most of them, especially the used bookshops, are family owned/run but you never know.

Try for management positions too. Especially if it's just a temporary job until you find something better, it'll look really good on your resume and you won't have to put up with the employees for too long.

Actually...from what I've seen the employees aren't the problem. It's the customers.

Also, the economy sucks right now too, so don't feel too discouraged at refusals. Especially in retail, they tend to look for the people without degrees so the employees don't need to be payed much and can be replaced on a whim.

Jenny said...

*sigh* Yeah... been avoiding that... It's a lot of work plastering the city with resumes dag-nabbit! >.<
Should... Know I should... Just don't wanna.

Management? Huh... never thought of that.

Lol. Yeah, it's usually the customer alright. ^.^

So it ain't my fault? ^.~ Haza!! ;P I always thought so.