Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Well, I'm tagging myself from Confuzzled, who was half tagged by Annie.

The general idea is to list 6 things that are quirky about you.

You would not believe how much I've thought about this since I read that post... I'd do some strainge thing, or notice something about myself (the fact that I have ten fingers, for example, oh freak of nature that I am O.O), and make a mad dash for a piece of paper to write down the noted quirk so I could share it with ya'll... My adoring public. ^.^
Ok... Maybe not so adoring... More annonymous... Illusive... But public none-the-less. Or so I insist upon labbeling you, who have no other word to describe this particular senario.

Anywhoodle... On to the list!

1. I name things. Now, I mean everything. I was worse when I was younger... I would go so far as to name a favorite pencil. Now it's only confined to cars (Saphira), my favorite hat (Penny), and people. Most everone I know has some sort of nick name (whether they know it or not) that I call them. I may or may not call it to them, they may have no idea that I even think of them that way, but they are named none-the-less. (I don't usually use that particular verbage... but I've used it twice just in this post... odd...) There are some other things that I have names, like Kenshin, the messenger bag I am rarely without, but those are few and far between.

2. I write using four fingers. Y'know how most people only use three? Well, I use four... No idea why I started doing it. My mom does it too and is, as far as I know, the only other person who does. Now, maybe I learned it from her, maybe it's genetic... Who knows... But I've always written using four fingers. Thumb and pointer to direct, like you do with three. Middle to steady. Ring to set the pencil on.
And actually, before I knew this was weird I would always see those soft three-sided pencil things, you know... those ones that help you hold a pencil and make it easier to hold? I would see those, in their three-sidedness and wonder, "Who would buy those? They make it harder to use a pencil, and they're dang uncomfortable!" Never occured to me that people ususally only use three fingers. Whenever I try, it just feels funny... I can't control a pencil as well... *shrug*

3. I have two ears... Ok, you do too... But one is attached to my head, the other is not. Now, before you go all "Wait... What?" No, it's not totally unatached. It is securely on my head... But the cartilige isn't. One ear has the cartilige firmly attached. If you feel the back of your ear, you can feel the cartilage, and feel the side of your head. Most likely there's not a big gap there. Now, for me that's true with one ear. There's a tiny gap, but nothing spectacular.... Now on the other ear, it's different. The cartilage is not attached to my head. It's firmly attached with skin and what-not. But there's a definate gap between the cartilage and my skull. I'm sure I'm not explaining it well, but you'd really have to feel it to understand... The internet doesn't pose the best media for that sort of interaction, so you'll just have to take my mangled word for it.

4. Never ask me "What's up?" ... Invariably, I will aswer something like "The sky", "That way" or "Gas prices." Several people have threatened to hit me when I say it, but I say it anyway. ^.^ I hate those run-of-the-mill questions. Your friend sends you a "getting to know you" survey... A well meaning friend, who you have known for years, gives you a quiz that asks "How old are you?" Or "What is your favorite food?" ... To wich I lovingly reply 1,576.8 and yes. To people who don't know me, and for whom it is a valid question I will validly reply. But for those who ask and don't really care about the answer?... >.O Those are the ones that bug me. That's probably it with the "What's up?" thing too... That question has become a greeting more then an actual question. So anyway... ^.^; I always say "That way." or some such to the question "What's up?"

5. Holes... *shudder* Forget funnels, I am afraid of holes... And perhaps "afraid" is too strong a word... but certain types of holes just freak me out... Again, my mom is the only other one who this happens to, so maybe it's genetic. But certain holes are just freaky. Now, it's not like "Oh! There's a hole in the ground! Run away!" It's multiple holes in something that I feel shouldn't have holes in it. The major major hole thing is a certain type of frog... It lays its eggs on its back, then after a while skin grows over them... Well, when they hatch, the babies pop out of the skin like a bad zit... *shudder* It makes me itchy just thinking about it... The first time I remember holes freaking me out was when I looked at the bottom of a fern leaf. They have seeds on the bottom, which look freaky. Then I tried to rub them off, and that just made it worse. ... *shudder* Icky, icky holes...

6. Last one... Undignifiedly wet... I love old movies because they had to rely on the actors (who had to have talent... unlike today where where it's looks over talent...) and made the scenes real... I could make a list of things that bug me, but one of the ones that bugs me most, is how when a character in a modern movie gets wet, they're still beautiful... Are you still beautiful and shower-fresh when you're caught in the rain? Isn't there supposed to be rain getting into your eyes and dripping off your nose? I could site the perfect example of how it's supposed to be in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" (not one of my favorites, but it shows my point rather nicely) Especially at 0:23 seconds, you can really see Audry Hepburn wet. Now I mean really, truly wet. There's water on her face, her hair is sticking to her jacket at odd angles, and she's blinking a lot 'cause the water is in her eyes... Dag-nabbit, that's how you're supposed to look!! Not this "Oh, I'm so beautiful" that they show in modern movies... For example in something like Princess Diaries 2 (which I enjoyed immensely, for sake of argument I will proceed to use it to take out my wrath on), where Anne Hathaway gets out of the fountain and talks to her grandmother. True, she's very wet... But she's still beautiful. No, I wouldn't expect water in her eyes or something, but how many people do you think fixed her hair before she did the scene? I mean, look at it! It's perfect! It's wet, but it's perfect! It frames her face just so, and it's perfect! ... *growl* It's an odd thing to be bugged about, but bugged I be.

So... ^.^; Those be 6 of my quirks...


Katie said...

I enjoyed this :) And guess what? We're totally kindred spirits, 'cause I write exactly the same way you do.

For serious.

Jenny said...

^.^ Awesome!! Glad you enjoyed it!

Lol, I write like you? Well I am indeed honored. I just try to write like how I talk. So apparently you write like I talk. ;)

Katie said...

Oh, I don't mean you use the same tone in your writing. I mean the quirk you talked about . . . the way you hold your pen/pencil/what have you.

I do the same thing.

Jenny said...

Ohohoh! Gottcha. How cool!

Bwahahahaaa! Another person to add to our clan as we move toward world domination! Soon... soon, everyone will write with four fingers, and we will conquer the world with the power of the number four!!
(because, you know, the answer is four. Not 42, but four. And if the answer's not four, divide by the page number. ^.~)