Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Um... Yeah...

*yawn* I promised myself I would post something today.... Well, that was before today became tonight, but you get the picture. ^.^;

Oh! Speaking of pictures!! I have some new ones. ^.^ Yupyup, drawn by me even! 'Cause I have a Deviant Art page. ^.^ (for those of you who either didn't know, forgot, or chose to have your mind eaten away by a mind slug...) I even have this crazy idea to do a web comic! >.< 'Cause I was one of those people who (and I think Scmetter mentioned this, but I'm too lazy to look it up...) let the voices in their heads run wild, and started to create stories. *enter maniacal laughter here*

Well one of... Ok, two, but mainly one, of the voices in my head I got to know pretty well, and he didn't fade off into oblivion ... Unlike most of the others... He's still with me. Still livin', breathin' and gettin' into trouble... So since writing down his misadventures is never going to happen in this life time (still tryin' for the next, but we'll see...), I decided to do a web comic. ^.^ It'll be posted at my DA page (see link), and I hope ya'll like it. ^.^

So... Yeah... I plan to update it at least once every other week... Hopefully more, but we'll see how it goes. ^.^;

And... yeah... I was gunna post something all self-delving, and intro-spective, but it's tired, I'm late, and I'll try to do that soon... soon...

Oh! One last thing! I got a piece of mail today for insurance type stuff, and it said it could give me a quote for LIFE! Wouldn't that be something... A quote for life... Wow...

Ok, now I'm done...

I think....

Wait? O.o; I think?!?!

When did that happen?!

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