Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Super Special, Uber Top Secret To Keeping Your Job!

Looking busy...

It all comes down to looking busy. Being busy is a plus, but it doesn't matter if you don't look busy.

*sigh* Well, as you know if you've been reading my blog, I HAS A JOB! ... And it's been going pretty well actually. I've learned enough so that I don't feel like I'm totally useless. ^.^; Clueless of course, but not useless. It's a good thing. Plus I get along well with most of my co-workers, so that helps. (Secret #2 to keeping your job ^.~)

However, I'm am one of the most indecisive people you will ever meet. -_-; Plus, it takes me a while to process things. Both of these together make me rather slow when I'm trying to get things done. ^.^; I'm thorough (probably more thorough then most of my co-workers... *cough*), but I'm rather slow... And my managers have taken notice. ^.^;;; Not a good thing...

One of my managers pulled me over yesterday and told me to stop walking around like I had nothing to do. To ask if I ever had nothing to do, or wasn't sure what to do... I'm always doing something. But apparently I don't look it... -_-*

So, to all you out there in cyber-land, look busy!!


Katie said...

Oh, I could have told you this already. Why didn't you ask? ;)

Jenny said...

;P Well you could've just told me. That would've saved me a whole mess of trouble...

Katie said...

And how, pray tell, was I to know to tell you? Answer me that, missy.

Jenny said...

Well!... You... um...

Well you're the one who got me reading non-fiction and Schmetter fiction, I figure you could figure out something.