Friday, January 16, 2009

I have a seeing problem...

I don't see a reason to get a job.

I should.

I need money.

But I don't wanna.

I've been quite happy just reading and lounging around all day. It's quite nice.

And I don't see a reson to end that just 'cause this pesky life of ours requires that we pay these little pieces of paper that masquerade as bills!



Gr I say!

(btw: anyone know how to fix a resume? ^.^; Or even start one for that matter? I know Confuzzled you offered, but I lost your email. -_-;)


Katie said...
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Katie said...

Don't abuse it, but do use it. I rather enjoy helping with this sort of thing because, well, I'm weird.

Jenny said...

^.^; Yes ma'am... Thankyou!

Lol, you weird?... I never would've guessed... ;P