Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration 2009

Well, today we have a new president. President Obama.

Overall I don't really know what to think about having a new president. I don't know what he'll do in office. I have no real say, so I don't worry about it much. Yes, I do vote. But in a I-am-only-one-person sorta way.

  • Heh... on the news station I was watching they were saying how "even if you don't like Bush's policies, you can see here that he's a nice person."... And Ok, that may be... But I laugh how yesterday he was this EVIL MAN... and today he's a wonderful person. The ficklness of the media and the general public never ceases to amaze me.
    But my mom made a good point. It's the right thing to do. Even if you have to lie and air brush what you think of him, he's out of the spotlight, and it's still the right thing to do.
  • I find it interesting about how when Obama was running that they asked him "Do you think that your color will be an issue for some voters?" Or some other similar question... Um... Doesn't the fact that you're asking mean that it's an issue?
  • This is a global event. My mom, crazy person that she is, regularly chats with people around the world. Europe mainly, but Japan and stuff too. And the people she's chatting with are watching it too because they think it will effect them. I don't know how directly it will, but even the fact that they care enough to watch is amazing... I'm not even sure what type of governments most of Europe has... and they know the name of our president, and care enough to watch his inauguration... O.O Wowzers...
  • flubbed swearing in... >.<>thing that went wrong, was the fault of the leader because he'd messed up that special ceremony... I really hope that doesn't happen with Obama...
  • Victory. This whole thing of electing a black president is being talked about as a victory. That seems odd to me. I thought the whole racial issues were gone...? But I'm young, and I know they were saying that sixty years ago this wouldn't have been thought possible. So maybe it's just me that sees this as odd. *shrug*
  • Two things that I found interesting in the prayer that was said over the lunch, "In your soverign name" and "protect them from moral arrogance"... The second just 'cause it's cool. But "in your soverign name"... That struck me. 'Cause the guy saying the prayer is saying it for the next president, the next soverign of our country. And saying "in you soverign name" signifies that God is higher then Obama. GASP! I'm glad he said it, I just thought it was bold.
  • And one last thought... 'cause this is turning out longer then I'd thought... I remember a show that played in... Oh, I forget the year, but Clinton was president and we were going through the whole Monica Luinsky thing... But the series was set in the future and Terry was taking a test on the presidents and couldn't remember who came after Clinton. He asked a class-mate, Max (Terry=guy, Max=girl) who was next. She said something like "Well it was really boring till we had Clinton, and that's when things really got interesting... After that it was boring again." Lol. I can't help thinking about that when we had the whole re-count thing with Bush, and now Black Obama... Heh, and Max was black herself. Lol. ^.^ It's funny how she wouldn't think that was exciting.

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