Tuesday, April 8, 2008

General Conference

You know... one of these days I'll post when I'm not so tired... >.O

But anyway, I've been meaning to post about this.

I got to go to conference in Utah!! ^.^ And I got into the Sunday morning session too!

That's right, envy me. ^.~

Ok... now for thoes of you you have no idea what in the world I'm talking about...

Ok, I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, also known as Mormons. And we have a general conference for all of the members around the world that's held twice a year. The prophet and several other awesome people talk to us and tell us stuff. It's really cool. Well, this happens in Utah. And this year I got to go up with a few of my friends. ^.^ It was really awesome seeing it live.

Plus we got to walk around Temple Square (where it is) and get some awesome pictures of the Salt Lake temple too. ^.^

Yes, that's right, I took the pic. ^.^ There's a Josoph Smith Memorial building next door, and if you go up stairs you can get some awesome airial shots. ^.^ Very cool.

We also got to go into the old conference center. (below) That was really cool too.

It was a very fun trip. ^.^

Oh, and hey. If you want full versions of these pics, or the rest of the pics I took, email me. ^.^ I'm more then happy to share. ^.^

Of corse, that means you have to know me... So bwaahaaa! ^.~


Schmetterling said...

"old conference center"--oh! You mean the tabernacle. Right. Got it.

Or--are you still not talking to me?

Lola said...

I'm Jealous! It must have been amazing! Send me pic! and more detales!

StGenesius said...

Ah, that's why you were dressed up. Very nice pics, by the way. Part of the reason you want to go into art? ^-~

Jenny said...

Schmetterling: ...Maybe... You are still a pooh... But yeah, I meant the tabernacle. ^.^;

Lola: Yeah, it was AWESOME! Ok, yeah. ^.^ I'll be sure to send pics and stuff along.

StGenesius: Yupyup, that's why. And cool, thanks. ^.^ It was right after I did my makeup, so I still look pretty good. Part of the reason?... Oh, because I take good pictures? Lol. Yup! You got it! ^.~

Schmetterling said...

Um--so, just because you may or may not be speaking to me doesn't mean you can't blog any more.

Or are you still waiting till you're not tired? Frankly, I don't think that day will come for quite a while, deary.

Did I just call you deary?

Yes. Yes I did. Take THAT

Jenny said...

Yeah, well I've been crazy busy with homework. >.O I was able to get on the computer only one day this week, and that was just enough to check a bit of email...

lol. Deary?? Gack! Not that! Anything but that!!... =P