Friday, April 18, 2008

Good=hard? Bad=easy?

Why is it that we avoid things that are good for us?

Doctors, dentists, health food, confessing when we've done something wrong, being normal... No wait, being normal is bad. ^.~

But I've just been thinking how normally we, as people, avoid a lot of things that can be good for us, and do a lot of the things that are bad for us.

It's probably just that it's the hard thing. The good thing is usually the hard thing, and the bad thing is usually easier... Interesting how that works...

So yeah, thought of the day. ^.^


Lola said...

Interesting way of looking at it. What do you do when you have to choose between two good things? Do you choose the one you would enjoy more or the one that is slightly out of your compfort zone?

Schmetterling said...

Bad choices are only easier in the short-term. Good works are like little investments toward a happier, more carefree future; bad choices make your life difficult later on.

So to you, Lola, I say that you should chose the one that's going to make you happier in the long run. Just because something's hard doesn't mean it's necessarily good. Choosing to do something simply because it is difficult is not necessarily wise--but, then again, choosing NOT to do something because it is difficult is probably far more foolish.

Jenny said...

Well... this was really more of a musing (to borrow a term from Schmetter).

Just me noticing how a lot of things that are good for us are hard to do, and a lot of things that are bad for us are really easy.

Lola: Lol. Thinking of anything imparticular? ^.~ Like... running for office? But yeah, I think it can be good to get out of your comfort zone. You need to every once in a while to keep life interesting. Well, as long as it's moral and all that.

Not that there's anything wrong with your comfort zone. They're very... comforting things...

But as far as choosing? Um... Flip the almighty coin! ^.^

Schmetterling: Well yeah... if you're being all technical about it... You take all the fun out of life, you know that. ;P

But yeah, I do agree. I was actually thinking about that the other day, how good choices bring about good consequences (yeah, like you said usually in the long run), and bad bring around bad.

It's probably in the scriptrues somewhere... but is that all that makes something good or bad? The consequences? Hm... ?