Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Thoughts on a fuzzy grape

It's always interesting what will catch my attention and make me want to post... Today it was a moldy grape.

We had a bag of grapes in our fridge. Most were ok, they looked fine. One was totally white, fuzzy, bad. But none of the ones around it were bad...? Or at least looked bad.

And that caught my attention. Now, we're always told "don't be around bad people, 'cause they'll influence you in bad ways" Or something like that... I really need to find another word then 'bad', but you get the idea.

And so that leads us to the grapes. The fuzzy white one was obviously bad. No doubt how that one will be judged at the last day. But what about the others around it? The ones touching it? They didn't look bad at all. They looked perfectly fine. They're good church members that can handle being friends with a moldy grape! You can't tell them what to do! It's their life!!!1

But they're contaminated. They may not show any signs of being moldy... yet. But they've been touching mold. Now, they could wash themselves, take a bath in peroxide of the spirit, and probably leave not too worse for wear. That won't protect them from future mold, but it will get rid of what's there now.

But if they don't wash and get out, they're going to get moldy.

Heck, even if they do get out, they're still contaminated. They've touched the mold. They've been in the same bag/area as the mold. Even if they get away from the mold, if they don't wash they're carrying the mold with them, and if left un-checked, they will get moldy!

So wash yourselfs all you fruity people out there! >.<

So... yeah... All that from finding a moldy grape. ^.^


Schmetterling said...

Gotta be careful, though. We're all sinners. True, there are people out there that you probably ought to refrain from fraternizing with, but you shouldn't be too quick to declare someone moldy--they may be merely dusty.

It's a hard line to walk. We can't just go around shunning everyone who isn't living righteously or else no one in darkness will ever be brought to the light. On the other hand, even a very righteous man will be corrupted if he spends all his time in brothels and bars. It's hard to say when you have to cut association with someone for you own good. VERY hard to say....

Jenny said...

Oh very true, very true. Yeah, I didn't mean to say that you had to avoid anyone that's a sinner... Sorry if I made it sound that way... My main point was just that you have to becareful when dealing with moldy grapes.

Oh yeah, it's a really hard line... You have to take care of yourself and make sure you're not contaminated. But you can't leave lost sheep/moldy grapes alone totally. If good people don't befriend them, bad people will... And that's not good for anyone.

Oh, and my mom brought up a good point. You have to be careful, yes. But you need to keep in mind who you are when you're with someone. Do you like who you are when you're with you're with that person? Do you feel Christ-like when you're with them?

I thought that was a good point too.

Lola said...

All from a moldy grape! Amazing! I really like the comparsin. My roomate has taken to asking me gosple advice lately, and when it's okay to do something that kind of sounds bad but in reality there is nothing wrong with it. At Svu there is an honor code in place that basically inforces the church standards but some of them she thinks are rediculous(you can't be in an appartment/dorm of someone of the oppisit sex after midnight). The honor code is there for safty and it you put yourself in a situation thats not the best something might happen. kind of like the moldy grape, why put yourself in the position that something could happen to you or influence you in a bad way?