Thursday, April 17, 2008

On relationships

>.O Now... I'm way the wrong person to ask about relationships with the opposite gender, in this case guys... I've never had a boyfriend, or even a second date...

But that doesn't stop me from talking about it. ^.^

Now, normally I wouldn't be talking about it even then. I like keeping the subject away from me with a ten foot pole... But I was talking to a friend of mine who's having some guy troubles and as I was talking to her, I struck upon an idea that I thought was cool.

Relationships take two people... You can have a good relationship with another person, without the other person.

Yes, be amazed at my wisdom. ^.~ It seems quite simple, but (at least for me) it took a while to learn... We all have that perfect guy/girl that we like a lot. He/she is perfect. They're cute, have a great personality, *insert perfect quality here*, etc. What's not to like?

You care for this person a great deal. So everything should work out great, right?


... maybe...

It takes two. No matter how much you care about/fawn over the other person. You can't make them care for you. You can make it easier, but you can't make them. Lol. Just like Genie said in Aladdin, "I cant' make people fall in love with you."

Plus you can't bring people back from the dead...
It's not a pretty picture.
I don't like doing it!!

So, that be my words of wisdom for today! ^.^


Lola said...

Relationship tips from **** it should be a book! It makes me think of our conversation today when we were on one of the random subjects(I'm not trying to keep it coded I was trying to be witty). LOL!

Schmetterling said...

Oh. I didn't even notice this post down here.

Sneaky little post....

ANYway, not that I have any credentials to comment on relationships either, but I think there's a flip side to your thought that you ought to very seriously consider:

You mentioned that you can't MAKE someone fall in love with you. True enough, but dangerous to assume. If you spend your life just waiting around for mutual love to find you, I can almost guarantee you that it never will. I've found that a very high percentage of my married friends went through a long stage in their courtship when one of them was madly in love and the other just wanted to be friends. It happens all the time, and if you ever find yourself in that situation, and you just give up, then you'll never be in a lasting relationship because, in order for any human relationship to be formed--whether it's friendship or a romantic relationship or a professional relationship--in order for that relationship to happen, somebody's gotta make a move, and the person who makes the first move has to be willing to keep working at it until the other person either comes around or says stop.

Now, obviously sometimes you come to a point where you have to admit defeat and stop fighting a losing battle--if you really like someone, it's pretty unfair of you to try to compromise their agency--but I think most people give up before it's really necessary to do so.

Another thing I notice a lot (living where I do, I get to observe a lot a relationships both good and bad) is people getting in too much of a hurry. The truth is, if you want a working relationship with someone, you've gotta start pretty basic. If you see a hottie walking down the street and just walk over and start hitting on him, you probably aren't gonna get very far. I think that a good, healthy dating relationship is borne of a good, healthy friendship. If you can't maintain platonic love, romantic love is totally out of the question.

So, maybe you're right; maybe you can't make people fall in love with you, but if you don't try, then you'll never find love. You and I have both lived long enough to know that relationships don't just magically pop out of nowhere--if they did, each of us would have had several by now.

Jenny said...

Lola: Lol! Me? A book? Yeah... right. ^.~

Schmetter: Wow... a post in and of itself...I'm honored. And yes, I like being sneaky. ^.^
Heh, and I swear my origional post was about a friend!... Really!!!!1 But I'll take the advice anyway. ^.^
You really think so? Huh... I've never thought of that. I've always thought that a good relationship started with both people caring for the other... Well, yeah, they care for each other. But not one caring so much more then the other.
The person who initiated it waits for a nibble, if there's nothing, you move on. It's not gunna happen. Simple as that.
But your post/comment/thing says more, wait and see... Very interesting... *thoughtful beard stroking*
I like that. It give me hope. ^.^
Well... my friend...
At least it started about my friend... *inocent whistle*
Oh my, look at that ceiling. ^.^; Isn't it just beautiful?...

Schmetterling said...


When did THAT happen....

Jenny said...


Oh, you didn't know? Oh yeah. I was eating thoes glowing mushrooms that grow behind the fridge and the next thing I knew I had a beard. It's actually pretty cool. Although the third arm isn't as useful as you would think...

Schmetterling said...

Pity. You'd think a third arm would be pretty handy.

Oh, dear: HANDy

I believe that's what we call a groaner?

Jenny said...


Yeah... Definately groaner material.