Thursday, May 22, 2008

Cell Phones


Yeah... since I got done I've been really lazy lately... I don't have to, so I ain't gunna. Even for something as fun as blogging, I've been really lax... Bad Fei-chan, no biscuit...

Anywhoodle, I come to you today to talk about something near and dear to all our hearts... Or at least our fingers. Yes, all-mighty technology. Specifically the cell phone.

Now, don't get me wrong. I love my cell phone. I rarely leave home without it. It it attached to my arm and is used for things like keeping track of my schedule for me, telling me when someone I want to talk to is calling me, even when someone I don't want to talk to is calling me. I love my little phone.

But there are limits to my cellular love.

For example, I have mastered the ability to turn it OFF!

You laugh, but how many people have apparently lost this ability? You see them weaving through traffic, driving, while talking on the phone... You see them walking through the store, apparently talking to someone three rows over... And I even saw one talking on their phone while ice skating!...


Why do people feel the need to be attached at the hip, or rather ear, to the rest of the world? What in the world is so important it can't wait for you to at least pause what you're doing first?...


So... yeah... [/rant]

Oh, and watch the vid. ^.^


Katie said...

I'm glad you know this. It's taken me a while to convince most of my friends that it's entirely a choice to answer your phone. Sometimes I just leave mine on vibrate and let it sit in a corner by itself for a couple of hours.

Just because you have it doesn't mean you always have to answer it.

Jenny said...

Preach it sista'!

Yeay, I'm glad I'm not the only one in this cosmos who believes this! I wish more people did... Especially thoes people who talk while they drive! >.O They make me crazy!! >.< Well... er... ^.^;