Tuesday, May 6, 2008

He is mindful/poridge

Well, this thoght has been on my mind for the last few days, and was brought to the forground of my mind by Scmetter's last post.

God is truely mindful of us. I mean, like really mindful.

I've been going through a lot of stress lately from various stuff that's been going on. Nothing major, just life stuffs. If it wasn't one thing, it was another. As soon as I got one thing kinda under control, something else would sneak up and attack me from behind. >.O Not fun... I wasn't happy, I wasn't myself, and I didn't like it. >.<

So I did a lot of praying. For example, I mentioned in my last post about how I have a tooth ache and need to go to the dentist. Well, I haven't gone to the dentist in a while... I had no idea where to go. All I had was a list of names. Now picking a name from out of a hat didn't fill me with the greatest confidance. >.O In fact, it made me what the lamans call a "basket case." So, I tried asking around; people I knew, one person who I know is going through the whole braces thing, etc...

Nothing... Zip. Nadda.. Zilch...


Again, lots and lots of prayer. So I decided to go through my list and look at a few of their websites, see if anything looked good. One looked ok, but its only been there for a couple years... I'd like one that's stood the test of time a little more... Too cold.

The next one looked very... cute. I'm all for a happy atmosphere, but when your website has a bright yellow ball, bouncing in the corner, and the website is still saying "Happy Holidays!"...? Yeah... To hot.

Finally, the last bowl of poridge. ^.^; No bouncing ball, that's a plus. No "Happy Holidays," always a plus when it's 95 F outside. And hey, the guy's been practicing for 11 years! We might just have something here! Plus, whenever I looked at the guy's picture on the internet I got a really calm feeling. It wasn't "Oh noes! The evil drill!!" It was more "He will take away my pain." So that was really nice. Ah... Just right. ^.^

So yeah... I went there yesterday so he could poke around my mouth and figure out what's wrong. I got a really good vibe off the place. Really open, well lit, art work on the wall, music... Really nice. Plus there was a lady there with her kids who's apparently been going there for a while. Long enough for the receptionist to comment on how the kids have grown so fast. So that was awesome. ^.^ Always a good vibe when a mom is repead business when her kids are involved. And the kids didn't seem scared either, which was awesome. The youngest was, but I heard him dealing with her, and he was very gentle and understanding. ^.^; *phew*

So, moral of my poridge dentist. Prayer works!!

So yeah... That whole thing was a mess and a half. >.O But with a lot of prayer and help, I got through it. ^.^ And that's been how my life has gone lately. Lots of little messes, lots of little stresses, but Heavenly Father has been there with me. No "My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me" stuff.

And I know Heavenly Father's been helping me through all this. He's truly mindful of me. It's not just "Oh, Fei-chan's stressing again... Send her some duct tape or something..." ('cause you know, duct tape fixes all. ^.~) But he sends me exactly what I need. He knows every little intricacy of all of my stresses and problems, and he knows how to fix them. ^.^ He sends comfort when you need it most. He will not leave you alone.

And what's even more amazing, is that He does this for everyone... Now, just knowing my personal little struggles is amazing enough. But he knows all the little intricacies of every one's problems... And he's equally willing to give all of us comfort and solace. And he knows exactly how because of how well he knows us.

Wow man... wow...