I've been meaning to blog more... really... >.< I just never manage to get around to it...
Anyway, I was having a conversation with some friends today, and we were comparing heights. Now, I am short. There is no hiding it, just a fact of life. Well, we were talking about tall people... Those pesky scourges that walk among us. (You know who you are... ;P)
And I was saying, "Yeah... Sometimes you just have the genes. And sometimes you have the shorts."
And I didn't realize what I'd said until Lola started laughing. So I just had to share, 'cause I thought it was funny. ^.^
Yes, very nice. :) And I'm not tall! I'm altitude-challenged. And how'd the B&N interview go?
:P You are too!
The BN interview went well, the guy seemed to like me. The general manager that is, so that's a good sign. I'm just waiting for a call back... *crosses fingers* And yeah, if I do get the job, you'll get a very loud text. ^.~
And darn you!... I've got Wicked stuck in my head. >.< I've been listening to the music since I read your blog... All your falut!... pest...
Why should I deny it's my fault? About Wicked, I mean? Oh, and I updated, so...
Because!... Because... I dunno...
Just making sure you know it's all your fault. ;p
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