Friday, January 23, 2009

Faith Validated ^.^ (worry 2)

^.^ *happy sigh* Inkheart...

It is a book. One of my all time favorites. I don't say favorite lightly, but favorite I do dub it so. So like I said in the Worry post, I was worried about what Hollywood would do to it. Especially with that dude from the Mummy movies playing Mo. >.O One of the main characters... He's a soft-spoken dad type figure, no mummies to be seen... But I love the book and so I was curious to see what they'd do to it... *nibbles fingernails*

I saw it today...

WOW!! It surpassed all my expectations. ^.^ They did a phenomenal job with this movie. BIG thumbs up from me. They stayed true to the book (minor details, but we'll forgive them since movie format is shorter then book) and they made a reference to duct tape. ^.^ How could it possibly get better. ^.^

And yes, I am a dork. That was me in the theatre, cheering, clapping, laughing and saying how glad I was that they matched the book. ^.^


Lightwing said...

Yay! Good, that's one of the first positive reviews I've heard about the movie and you take your books seriously.

Jenny said...

Yes, very seriously. *serious face*
But yeah, I really enjoyed it. ^.^ It was awesome! I am SO getting it when it comes out on DVD <3

Katie said...

Good to know. It's one of my faves too. I'm glad the movie did a good job, because it's on my list of things to see . . .

Jenny said...

Hey cool! Yeah, I hope you like it. ^.^