Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lions, Otters, Beavers and Penguins, oh my!

I HATE classifying things... Putting things in little boxes and saying "Ok, you're in box A. So you can't be B, C or D." I can not tell you how much I hate it... (but I'll be darned if I don't try. ^.~)

We had a fireside tonight... A very good fireside... It was on relationships and the differences between guys and gals.

So she started talking about the qualities of girls. And she said the qualities of guys. If you're a girl, you multi-task, you talk a lot, you want to be saved by your prince, you don't want your problems fixed and you just want to rant, etc.
If you're a guy you want to be appreciated... That was it...

And if you're a girl you HAVE to have those qualities. And if you're a guy you HAVE to have that quality... You can't be a mix. Oh no!!! ...*grumble*...

Then the one that really got me was the animal test. She asked two questions and divided us up into four groups. Do you feel more comfortable in a group of close friends or just a group of people? Do you rely more on yourself to make a decision or do you ask people around you?

Now, first of all. That's a really black or white answer... I hate those. -_-; I can be any one of those four! It all depends on the situation...

Second. Ok... so am I to believe that everyone in the world is only one of four things?? Humans are so predictable and monotonous that they fit into only one of four categories??


Yeah... I was rather annoyed you might say. ^.^;

Heh, and then people after were all "Hey, what are you? I'm a Beaver!!!11" ... "That's nice. I'm a me."

I'm sure it's my stubborn streak talking. But I really hate putting things in boxes like that where it can only be in one box, and it can't possibly be anything else...

I'm all for order. I love order. If there's not order, I stress. But I hate it when things are classified like that. People are blobs. Multi-colored, wonderful, crazy, frustrating blobs. They are not circles, squares, otters or kumquats...

^.^; Ok... me better...

(and not that I disagreed with everything... For example, I needed to rant, and not necessarily have the problem fixed (although if you have thoughts, comment away) I just way disagreed on that.)

P.S. This goes a lot with my tendency of hating to be forced into things... Even if I want to do something, but I feel I'm being forced, I will dig in my heels and stop. Tell me what you want, and show me how, then let me do it. Don't force me, it won't work.


Lightwing said...

Hah, hardly. Men want to be babied, they want to be served, they need to feel like they're doing something useful or they're lost. They want to feel like they're protecting you but they also want you to be able to stand on your own two feet. they want someone to rant to about their own problems as well, but they only want to fix yours and not hear about it again. They're crazy. And so are we. We're people. There are some differences in the way we process things and interpret them emotionally but they're not typically such large differences as people make them out to be. Women do a lot of the same things up there, too. The main thing we have to do to be compatible with someone else is get over ourselves. That does not mean to just lose our identity and surrender to the other person, it means that we're not always right (but we are sometimes) and we have to look at the world through their point of view. The differences between each individual person are more often the biggest challenge to overcome.

I hate being pigeonholed and put into a box as well. People are all different, and they can't be classified into four categories. Or six, or two, or ten or twelve. It's like those people who always ask you what your horoscope sign is. They want to find an easy way to try to predict what you're like and what you're going to do next without going through all those big problems of getting to know you first.

Jenny said...

*clap* You say it so much more eloquently then I do.
Very well put. ^.^