Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter Ya'll!

So I'm looking around at the blogs that I read, and not ONE of ya'll has an Easter topic... Ok, kinda Lola. But not the rest of you!
What's up with that?!

The only problem with this... is that I don't really have anything to say... I mean, I could randomly put out something like "super-cali-fragalistic-expealy-do-shus!" But even at times that this, it feels some how inadequate... Plus I'm sure I spelled it wrong.

So I'm just gunna borrow some words from an apostle! ^.^ 'Cause I'm sneaky like that! Boo-ya!
But I can't for the life of me figure out how to put up a video without going through the whole "Google Docs" thing... I know there's a way... I see the "add video" button... but at least as far as I can tell, that only lets you add video you have on your computer... *sigh*

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