Monday, April 27, 2009


I'm happy where I am.

I have a good life. I love my family. Heck, I even like them from time to time. (an odd statement for anyone 12-30) I have a nice job, no real huge world-is-coming-to-an-end worries. I have a really good life!!


But I want to move on...

It scares me, don't get me wrong. Change=bad.

But at the same time, I'm not getting what I want right now. I feel like I'm in a rut. A very comfortable rut, nice fluffy pillows and a teddy bear in the corner... But a rut.

I went to go visit the town where I grew up today. To give you a picture, it's very much like Stars Hollow from Gilmore Girls. Very small town-y. And very pretty. ^.^ I love it there. <3
But as I was driving through I thought "I love it here... but it doesn't have what I need right now. I need a school."

I love my life. I love my home. But... it doesn't have what I need right now.

*sigh*... I always thought when making decisions like this that there wasn't supposed to be regret in the choice that you didn't take... It was like this for the A vs. B thing too... A looks awesome!... But I want B... Not that I don't want A. It's the same here. I want to leave... but it's not that I don't want to stay...

You have a good mind, and many times that's what you make decisions with. -quote I heard

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