Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hey... Ever had a bee crawl into your ear?


Not something I recommend. ^.^;

Yeah, a few weeks ago I had a really interesting day.

I was just getting off work and getting in my car. I'm putting my stuff down, put the key in the ignition... and realize I've got about four bees one me and there's more outside... O.O Two on my legs, one on my shirt, and one climbing into my ear. *shudder* (note: bees are loud!)
It was hot outside, so they were all buzzing. I thought for sure the one in my ear had gotten stuck in my hair... "Great. Now I'm gunna have a bee in my hair for the rest of the day... This'll be fun to explain..."

So I prayed like crazy to not get stung (I don't know if I'm allergic, but I'd rather not get stung if it's all the same to you). And slowly and carefully make it out of the car only to realize that my car is surrounded by about twenty bees. O.O


At first I figure, ok. They like the color (it's a pretty blue) and they'll leave in an hour... or so... I hope.

Then I notice the big brown spot on the tree I'm parked next to.

I'd parked under a new hive. ^.^; Yeay me!

So there I am... personally bee free, but with my car fairly swarmed and my door open. And I don't even feel comfortable enough to go close the door, so I can't even leave my car there and try to get help!... *groan*

A couple people from work get off, and ask if they can do anything. At this point I'm not afraid anymore and I'm just laughing my head off. (C'mon, you know it's funny!)

Thankfully the bees calm down a little bit, and I can close my door, so I do and head back into work. I find my manager and explain "Hey, my car's full of bees, can I use the phone to call my mom and get a ride? ^.^;" Meanwhile, apparently one of the other management peoples heard about my plight and came over very gung-ho and "I wanna go kill some bees!"

Lol. So he got my car away from the bee tree, and I was able to get home. Un-stung too! That was nice.

A week later I checked the tree, and the bees were gone. ^.^ I don't know how, but someone took care of them. *phew*


Lola said...

lol! I'm glad it wasn't me!

Jenny said...

Thanks Lola... ;P Always good to know who my friends are.