Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hey, I'll trade ya a pencil for your TRUCK!

Lol. ^.^ True story too!

Well... to a point.

For institute we played a game, called "bigger or better." The aim of it was to start out with something simple, and trade it with people to get something bigger or better. We started out with a pencil.

We had about four groups of three or four people, and were all given a pencil and given a 45 minute time limit. No rules other then that really. And if the people wanted their stuff back after the game was over, we could do that.

So me and my little group started out and actually got some pretty cool stuff before we got the winning truck. ^.^ Yup, we won! GO US!

*ehem* We started off trading the pencil for a carpet tack strip, which was traded for an old beach chair, for a boom box, and for a truck. ^.^

Yeah... We had to give the truck back. And I knew the people who let us borrow it... But still! We didn't know the other people! And I thought it was very cool. ^.^ And I'm still amazed people gave us something for a pencil... A pencil?! After that I figured they'd give us something, but a pencil's a pretty mundane thing.

So yeah. Fun game.


Schmetterling said...

I just saw a thing on TV a couple weeks ago about a guy who did that on the internet. He started with a red pencil that he said he was willing to trade for anything. Every time he made a trade, he put the new thing on his website so people could trade for it. At the end of it (which was, I dunno, five years or something), he got himself a house in Alberta Canada.


Jenny said...

O.O Wow... That's pretty awesome. I mean... we had to give it back.
A HOUSE?? Wow...
Hey, I have a red pencil here, ya wanna trade? :D