Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Been thinking about friends lately. Specifically how we meet them. (One thing with blogs, I'm never quite sure how to start a post. >.O Introductions have never been my strong point. Once I'm going I'm fine, but starting?... Yeah... )

I have many friends, most have all moved away, but they're there... somewhere... And I've been thinking of the nature of friends and how we meet them.

A week and a half ago I got to see one of my dear friends and one I've known a very long time. We'll call her Lola ('cause I go with the whole thing of not giving out real info... so there!). Now, like I said, Lola and I have been friends for a long time... Many, many years. Well we were talking about how we met.

*time travel down memory lane*
Now I'd just moved, I had no friends yet, and Lola was having a birthday party. Now, we didn't know each other that well yet. So she was inviting all these people to her party, and one of her friends couldn't come. We'll call her Fei. Well since she couldn't come, Lola was complaining to her mom that "Fei" couldn't come. Well, her mom heard that, and thought she meant me. (note: my blog name here is Fei-chan) So Lola's mom called my parents and said, "Hey, my daughter wants your daughter to come to her party."
My mom said that was fine. So, obediently, I went to the birthday party of someone I didn't know... No, not awkward... not awkward at all... Especially for our parents once this was all figured out.

Now Lola, dear Lola, was very sweet to me. I didn't know anyone, keep in mind I'd only recently moved, and so she took special time out for me. Her mom may have talked to her, I'm not sure. But still, she took the time out to talk to me and make sure I was enjoying myself. ^.^

And we've been best buds ever since. ^.^
*end flashback*

So I tell you this story, partly to shout out to Lola (Hi Lola!!), and partly to say how some simple little thing can really change your life. Through this very innocent mistake, I now have one of my best friends.

I've met a lot of my friends through odd things like that. And it's just cool how easily friendships can be forged. One of my friends I met because we were in gym class together and her locker door kept hitting me. One I met because her mom and my mom were friends and I heard she liked to read (I love reading). One I met because we had assigned seating and we happened to sit together...

The nature of friendship is a funny thing.

So be nice to people! You never know where you might find an unexpected friend. ^.^

"But friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life; and thanks to a benevolent arrangement of things, the greater part of life is sunshine". ~ Thomas Jefferson


Schmetterling said...

Woah, woah, woah wait--what??

YOU? YOU'RE encouraging people to--hold on, let me get this word for word--to "be nice to people"?


Oh. Wait. That's right. I'M the meanie. Shoot. I get these things confused sometimes....

Jenny said...

I said it was a good principle... I never said that I do it. ^.~

And yes, you are still the meany! ^.^ ;P

Lola said...

The Good old times! And thanks for the name I had a hard time coming up with one! Oh by the way I blame you because its all your fault I have a blog! Hope life is treating you well!

Jenny said...

Lol! Well I'm glad I could help. ^.^
I actually grabbed it from "Hannah Montana" (yes, I am a dork ^.~) 'cause that's the best friend's stage name. I figured it fit you well. ^.^

Yeay!! I converted someone else to blogging!! Haza!! ^.^ *happy dance of joy*
I hope you find it as enjoyable as I have! ... Although I hope you don't avoid homework because of it like I have o_O;

Schmetterling said...

Just look what I started....

Jenny said...

Yupyup. All your fault Schmetter! ^.^