Saturday, March 15, 2008

My Grandma's wedding

Well... as of 4:30 today, my grandmother is married. Wow... Still kinda odd thought. But, like I said before, I'm way happy for her. Both of them are just so happy. ^.^ It's great to see.

So yeah... the ceremony went really well. Everything went really smooth. ^.^ We went over to her house in T town (I try to keep real details of my life secret in case the FBI try to find me... ^.^ So unless you know me in real life you don't know what I'm talking about. As much as I love the Internet, it still scares me a bit.). We mainly held her head on straight as she was getting ready. Heh, she was very nervous. Excited, but nervous.

We got to the church about 3:30. And no, they weren't sealed in the temple... (I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or Mormons as we're called sometimes. And where the typical wedding ceremony is "till death do you part" we have a... how can I say this... In our temples, we believe you can be sealed/married for time and all eternity... Does that make sense? I hope so...) (some official LDS comments on Temples<-- click me!) The church was set up really nice. Some friends of ours set everything up. It looked really pretty. All white and this.... sorta slightly purple crimson color... What is that? Wine red! Really nice. Um... lots of gauzy stuff everywhere, lots of flowers... And food. ^.^ The food was excellent. My favorite was the chocolate dipped strawberries. ^.^ But they had little sandwiches too, thoes were good.

Um... Around 4, we all went into the room where they were going to get married. Short and sweet, but very cool. ^.^ Gramma was absolutely beaming. ^.^ She was nervous, you could tell, but still extreemely happy. Him too.

Then after that we had the reception. Same building, different room. Everyone came up and congradualated the newlyweds. I was kinda bored at that point, but Gramma enjoyed it. I just didn't really have anyone my age to talk to. Some of the adults did that whole "Hey, how are you? How's school? Bye." thing. It was nice that they said hi, but the conversation didn't last long... Not that I would really know what to say anyway... I don't have a talent for talking to people I don't know very well. I should practice, I know... But people scare me. >.o They're so... normal... *shudder* It's creepy...

Anyway, it went really well. ^.^ Ja!


Lola said...

Sorry I missed it. After I left Bakes I was sick the rest of the week I was home and then another week at school. Anywho I'm glad it went well

Jenny said...

Ooo... Yucky. >.< I'm sorry.
But yeah, it went really well. ^.^ They're really happy. <3